The show that most scared me as a kid: The Walking Dead, Season 1
Beloved characters in high-stakes scenarios in an eerily-creepy world. What’s not to love?
I have friend who’s an expert in the horror genre. Whenever she recommends something to me, I ask “Is it age-appropriate for me?”. I’m 24 years-old and don’t watch horror that much. Mostly due to that time I binge-watched season 1 of The Walking Dead.
And yes, I know it’s hard to read The Walking Dead and not roll your eyes. I don’t blame you: it’s not your fault executives at AMC have been using Bo Burnham lyrics — “We’ll stop beating this dead horse when it stops spitting out money” — as their company motto. But there’s a reason I and so many others stuck around for the so-and-so seasons that came. The first season of The Walking Dead was fantastic.
The story’s always moving
Deputy Sheriff Rick Grimes wakes up from a coma and realizes the world has ended.
It would be soul-crushing to learn that:
- The world has, in fact, ended
- You were asleep through most of it (oh, the FOMO!)
- You’re somehow still alive
- You have no idea where your family and friends are, and whether…